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Saturday, February 20, 2010

son of a beach.

yesterday was awesome.
we went to al-ghazal beach to barbecue (>w<)
i brought along my inflatable plastic boat thingmajig. i arrived at 2:30 in the afternoon. I chose a shaded place and bought ice-cream. Then i took my hat and lay down on the beach; meaning to get some tan XD but accidentally i fell asleep (HAHAHAH).

i woke up cz Ocha came, and i ran up to her and offered her ice-cream. then after praying, the bloat was inflated -thanksdad- and with my brother, we went paddling to a floating platform you can dive from in the middle of the ocean (Y).
when we were about to set ashore again to the beach, Jihan and Nadia arrived. The wind was blowing in the opposite direction, making it hard for us to paddle, and since no paddling equipment (aka: OARS) were provided, it was very difficult. In the end, Ocha had to get off and use her legs as engines XD.

we took Nadia and Jihan with us. we figured out it would be difficult to row back to the platform with 5 people in the boat. eventually, we agreed that Ocha will push and Jihan will pull. the water was shallow since it was low tide, and we were able to get there with quite no problem (well, to me). from there, we could see tiny, tiny fish and a rock with a metal-like rope tying it - only we couldn't see where it ended O.O

we kept going back and forth and back and forth - until Tante Lisna came and also the Ghozalis. they went on the boat with us (except nabila) and Salman too - only he was too scared so he went back with my brother and mom.

on the platform, we were very excited to dive, but none of us were brave enough XD Jihan and Ocha kept on arguing and hesitating if they should dive or not, since it looked real deep. we decided to take a trip to the other side of the platform where the rock was and tried to reach the ground - no, nobody ever felt it.

Ocha and Jihan were getting very cold (ocha's lips were like blue lipstick), and we saw some of the parents waving at us. we took a trip back and found out that the barbecue was on! First, it wasn't ready, so we dug a previously-dug hole in the sand - enough to fit 2 people at least. we kinda failed to make it any deeper, but succeeded in making it wider (Y) when the barbecue was ready, we all ate and stood near the fire *to make ourselves warm, of course*

because Ocha and Jihan were so-o slow (no offense) Nadia, Alya, Abyad and I took the boat and floated to the platform. we just sat around playing 'titanic' and soon got bored. we were floating back to the shore when the wind blew in the other direction. using only my dad's crocs to paddle, we were stuck; but Jihan came to the rescue! YAY JIHAAN.

we got a bit of rest then (i ate some more), and dug the hole even further. Ocha and Nadia ordered Alya to bury them in sand, so she did. Jihan and I buried ourselves. i had a bump on my legs and i go 'I'M PREGNANT 8D' and we all cracked up. alya helped us until our necks. unfortunately it was ruined since someone threw sand at my face and i had to run to the sea and wash it off with sea water >.> i also had to spit now and again.

we took a bath, and after we were clean, we played in the bouncy castle and the playground. Ocha was the king/knight/queen with Nadia as her assistant, and Jihan and I were the 'servants'. we had to do all these things ; answer a question, make a kingdom out of sand, get ocha some ocha (tea) and obstacle course. I won with only 1 point difference (2-1) since we all failed in the obstacle course. i was the new king/knight/queen, but it ended very soon cz we had to go. I might go there again this weekend - and i might invite some ppl :D

im sorry if this might sound like a replica of Ocha's post D: but we both went through the same things. ok that is it. goodbye :D

2 Wallops:

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