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Thursday, April 1, 2010

too young.

hey. yeah. i don't think i've mentioned this but i'm going on a trip to... oh, ha ha guess.


yes, the never ending beauty of nature, with all the entertainments and shops stretched out as far as the eye can see. yep. that Europe :D

ehm. ehm. yeah. u might be wondering 'what the heck is with her title? so very strange,' well, i am young; 11 to be exact. well, i have experienced some kind of cooties :/

i am NOT going to talk about it now since i'm using the school's internet. yeah. im at school. DURH.

i just watched UP. well, you know, it's the last day of term 2. parties in each classes and no lessons to do. we had a party like, 1st lesson till 3rd lesson or sumthing, then we watched UP in science, break time, continued UP for abt 45/30 mins and then here i am, writing in my blog, undespaired, hyper :D

i have been noticing that blogger now quiet. nobody ever checks on their blog like me, eh? >.>

i go on facebook a lot nowadays. i have no idea why. i wish people would introduce me to some kind of fun educational website i can open D<

omg, i see people playing :O

i am bored. wow.

oh, yeah about my trip. i'm going to;

-The Netherlands

we have EXACTLY 2 weeks to travel around -- from 4th april to 18th april. we're staying in France the longest DURH.
i'm so full. the party had a TRUCKLOAD of food :/ i'm getting fat, i think. but that's good since i'm underweight ;D

yeah. i better check if anyone is up on blogger :D bye~~

If you're bored.....
