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Monday, December 21, 2009

OMFG i haven't opened....

yeah, it's been well over what, 6, 5 months (?) that i haven't opened blogger. i know.

i just meddled with some other websites that i forgot about blogger :/ hmm... mustn't have realised that. oh well.

i'm reading NGUPING JAKARTA now. its heck a lot of fun :D it's my winter holidays and yeah, i want to have sometime to relax, lay back, and let it all out~ aahh~~

i was just chatting with fikar and ocha - yesterday we did the same thing with anty too - we made a story! so one continues the other, but for every sentence we have to insert a relevant emoticon. pretty cool eh? i kinda failed and always go off topic, but that's what they call 'randomness'.

i have some stuff i want to talk about, but since not much people are on blogger nowadays (and it's pretty private too) i might just write it in my diary. sorry to whoever is reading it now (i doubt it that you are a human).

UGH it's so frustrating the stuff about DBSK. i haven't received or heard or read any new news now, but they're going to release an album/single called 'Breakout'. so i hope they're in good conditions. ALWAYS KEEP THE FAITH~ i wish you guys all the best~ :D

see? i got off topic.

i love allkpop.

ok i think i'm going to check my e-mail, then write in my diary about my al-gharya edventures (i'll tell ya later) and then check fb and perhaps i might copy out the stuff i wrote in my diary here. ok see ya bye~

If you're bored.....
